Ken Lonnquist
Live Streamed Event for April 17, 2020, 7:30pm
Local singer/songwriter/composer/director/humorist and long time musician on the Hog stage, Ken Lonnquist will present a solo show. He will celebrate Earth Day in honor of its fiftieth anniversary, including performing songs written as long ago as the early1980's, when he was named "Minstrel for the Environment" by Wisconsin's Environmental Decade (now Clean Wisconsin). It will be a mix of nature and issue songs, some lyrical and evocative, some biting and serious.
The Coffeehouse remains closed. This concert is online only.
You might want to:
- During the live concert, send a text message to Ken in YouTube's chat window,
- After the live concert, visit Ken's web site at www.kenland.com and his Facebook page where he streams live performances weekday mornings that entertain the kids and are enjoyable for the adults.
If viewing on a iPhone or Android phone and the audio is distorted, listen using your earbuds or stereo headset.
Phones must mix the stereo to mono for the loudspeaker and can distort the audio in doing so.

Watch the replay now:
If you miss this concert, it will be available here sometime the next day.
Thank you for watching.
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